Tag: timex
TK82-C – Computador Pessoal
Sinclair ZX80 clone from Brazil.
Czerweny CZ Spectrum
Assembled in: Provincia de Entre Ríos, ArgentinaYears: Late 80s.Market: Argentina.What is it: Sinclair Spectrum.Other observations: Includes a Reset Button and DIN plug joystick ports.
Made by Microdigital Eletrônica for the Brazilian market, it was a Timex 1500 clone.
Czerweny CZ 1500
Assembled in: Portugal.Years: Circa 1984.Market: Argentina.What is it: Rebranded Timex 1500.Other observations: Like other computers from Czerweny Electrónica this one is also based on a Timex computer, specifically the Timex 1500, assembled in Portugal and sold in Argentina around 1984. Power Supply: Brand Model Volts Amps Pinout Czerweny CZ 1500 9V ? Positive on the…